Unity3D Attacks Truebones for Piracy!





00:00 everyone is Joe with true bones and
00:02 today we're checking out the unity3d
00:05 scammers blog which was published on
00:09 Christmas 2016 and it is entitled truth
00:14 from the bones part 2 this blog is in
00:19 reference to the true bones was hacked
00:24 publication that explains how true bones
00:30 was hacked and it was a mass theft all
00:34 the files were stolen from true bones
00:37 one or many of the true bones customers
00:41 bought true bones files and then leaked
00:44 it to various websites since the files
00:47 were late several vendors have sold
00:49 similar animation files originally from
00:52 true bones when true bones tried to
00:55 dispute the claims these disgruntled
00:57 customers would conspire with scam
01:01 artists to defame true bones not only
01:05 scam artists but the forum moderators
01:09 evidence point number one scam artists
01:13 are usually blameless on the unity
01:15 forums you would hardly hear about the
01:18 latest set of scammers on this blog
01:21 Christopher pang TJ on call of stupidity
01:25 Jessica storm and many or worse of the
01:28 evidences against them are deleted then
01:32 in the Unreal forum most of the evidence
01:35 against Steven Davis are deleted the
01:39 scammer is left blameless in an attempt
01:42 to fill of I true bones the threads are
01:44 locked and cannot be commented against
01:46 both Unreal and unity does not delete
01:49 these threads why and then there was one
01:52 comment posted by true bones couple of
01:55 points some of the leaked true bones
01:57 files were not even bought they were
02:00 stolen from Anam Street some from the
02:04 Unreal forum
02:05 I suspect hacked the site and made it an
02:09 administrable therefore the door was
02:11 left wide open to down
02:13 all for free this is the fault of the
02:16 annum Street Administrator as well for
02:19 letting it happen in addition both unity
02:23 and unreal forums have also blocked or
02:26 tried to ban mr. bones IP address so he
02:30 could not even go in and read the
02:33 threads all of this was going on without
02:36 any of his knowledge for three years
02:38 there are far worse claims against unity
02:41 and unreal than just locking a thread
02:44 and issuing a ban what chance
02:47 IV did to support these criminals and
02:50 not speak up about the terroristic
02:52 harassment and stalking that true bonds
02:55 has suffered is completely unacceptable
02:58 they had the incriminating evidence as
03:01 emails and deleted them they simply took
03:04 advantage of mr. bones generosity
03:06 exploited his goodwill then banned him
03:10 then labeled him a pirate criminal and
03:13 blackballed banned him from the industry
03:16 that kind of behavior will not be
03:19 tolerated
03:21 life is not a game do not play with it
03:24 so after reading all that we come over
03:26 here to beware of true bones what's the
03:30 truth so here we come over to the unity
03:33 forum which was blocked from me for
03:36 years by the way and it says true bones
03:38 what's the real story so somebody was
03:41 like asking what happened to true bones
03:44 and it says by this person Aurora this
03:48 user was banned from selling on the
03:51 asset store and from the forms for
03:53 piracy this isn't a topic up for
03:56 discussion ok so this kind of just
04:00 proves my point that all this is just a
04:03 sham because that's not the reason I was
04:06 banned and they invited me to the asset
04:10 store what can I say so I went to find
04:13 out who this person is
04:15 ok note that she accuses me of piracy so
04:19 I went and looked on Google and guess
04:22 who dresses up like a pirate her name's
04:24 Aurora
04:25 so isn't that
04:26 the kettle calling the pot black she's
04:29 gonna accuse me of piracy she thinks
04:32 that I'm gonna be her little poster boy
04:35 for piracy
04:36 I don't think so after seeing this and
04:40 seeing who accused me of piracy it's her
04:43 it's Aurora and come to find out she
04:48 just dresses up like a pirate all the
04:49 time here she is in her unity clothes I
04:53 don't know if she knows yet but that's
04:54 just not gonna fly that's not gonna fly
04:58 in a courtroom so we're gonna find out a
05:01 lot more about this after reading this
05:04 we're gonna go on over to oh and one
05:08 more thing I forgot to say is you can't
05:11 make claims like that meaning she can't
05:15 make claims that I stole anything from
05:18 anybody
05:18 she didn't even specify where I stole
05:22 from she just said he's a pirate and
05:25 left it at that and locked the thread so
05:28 after you see that you kind of
05:31 understand what this is all about it's
05:34 all it's an all an ego trip in fact her
05:38 username is to say dragon lady for
05:41 cripes sake so now we're gonna come back
05:43 over here to mix mo and go under the
05:47 forums of miksa mo and you'll notice
05:52 that true bones isn't banned here so
05:55 we're gonna go to general questions and
05:59 then we're gonna go into licensee
06:02 royalty ownership you lot Terms of
06:05 Service and questions and answers the
06:07 main thing is ownership
06:11 you cannot just simply claim that you
06:13 have ownership so when you read the
06:17 Terms of Use let's read about the
06:20 ownership it says here your content
06:24 ownership you retain all rights and
06:27 ownership of your content we do not
06:30 claim any ownership rights to your
06:33 content remember that very carefully
06:35 then they go on to say we require
06:38 certain licenses
06:40 from you to your content to operate and
06:44 enable the services that means you do
06:47 not own it
06:48 that means you licensed it to them and
06:52 it says this license is only for the
06:54 purpose of operating or improving the
06:57 services that's not true either they're
07:00 saying that you own it but you can only
07:02 share it they have the license to revoke
07:06 your license at any time by removing the
07:09 content from the service now they've
07:11 never done that to my account I still
07:14 have my account and I still have all of
07:17 the files that I've used if I'm such a
07:20 pirate and was banned from unity for
07:23 piracy how come they didn't delete my
07:25 content how come they're not calling me
07:27 a pirate on this site basically I just
07:29 wanted you to know that you don't own
07:31 your content ownership means you can do
07:35 with whatever you want with your content
07:37 including sell it or redistribute it it
07:41 says here that you cannot redistribute
07:45 your files she goes on and on and says
07:49 as long as you don't give them the FBX
07:52 file which is editable she says at about
07:56 50 times so let's go to the bottom of
07:59 the thread people can download files
08:02 from sketchfab so that would still be
08:04 providing an editable file I believe if
08:07 you can turn off the download option
08:10 then it would be fine to put it there
08:12 what she's saying is is as long as you
08:15 can't download the FBX from sketchfab
08:19 that is okay then she says here doesn't
08:23 matter how you use it as long as the
08:25 final sold shared distributed versions
08:28 are embedded but what I don't understand
08:31 is why she doesn't own it she just gave
08:34 up all ownership what does she care and
08:38 she works for Adobe it doesn't even say
08:41 she works for mixin mo then it goes on
08:43 to say and then we have this character
08:45 we we already did a video about him he
08:49 came back and erased his comments since
08:51 the case was resolved
08:53 actually the case isn't resolved he's
08:56 still a thief and he's still selling
08:59 illegal content on the Unreal forum and
09:02 unity forum I left a note here
09:05 not so fast I made a movie of this
09:07 thread right before you deleted the
09:09 comments our only requirement is that
09:11 the content not be distributed in an
09:14 edible format so unless the viewers can
09:16 download the data and edit it you're
09:18 good now we're gonna go ahead and show
09:22 you why she keeps saying that over and
09:25 over and over again so here we are at
09:29 sketchfab and we're gonna take a look
09:32 and type in the word mix ammo so
09:36 purportedly Jeanette Matthews says that
09:40 nothing should be downloadable here
09:42 under mix ammo' so here it is and it
09:47 says mix em oh right there and there's a
09:50 download button so according to Jeanette
09:53 Matthews how come you're not here
09:55 calling them a pirate here's another one
09:59 mix em oh it has a mix of emotion on a
10:02 mix of mohair achter downloadable you
10:06 should not be able to download that so
10:09 this whole website is probably filled
10:11 with hundreds if not thousands of
10:15 violations of the Terms of Service
10:19 according to mix MO or Adobe I should
10:23 say
10:23 so here's sex dance and that's made with
10:26 Adobe and it's downloadable and guess
10:30 what
10:31 according to Jeanette Matthews at Adobe
10:34 it's illegal remember we can't dump
10:37 we can't download anything that says mix
10:40 ammo in the bones or adobe characters
10:43 remember so you come over here to true
10:47 bones and true bones doesn't do that
10:50 true bones only let you download legit
10:54 files so all of our mix MO and Adobe
10:58 files they're illegitimate they're not
11:01 for they're not for download they can
11:05 only be viewed in the viewer
11:07 according to Jeanette Matthews why I
11:10 don't know because Jeanette Matthews
11:12 doesn't own my content that I created
11:15 however I just wanted to show you the
11:17 conundrum see what you think and just
11:21 show you
11:21 I think miksa Moe and Adobe and all that
11:25 is the biggest scam in the world I think
11:28 that Autodesk is where it's at
11:31 so we're going all Autodesk now and all
11:34 our characters are totally legitimate
11:38 anything made by mix ammo' or adobe is
11:42 illegitimate therefore we have turned
11:46 off the download button as you noticed
11:49 when we put mick samoan the search
11:52 there's tons of people putting their mix
11:55 mo illegal contraband on sketchfab but
11:59 true bones isn't one of them so just
12:03 wanted to show you what's going on and
12:05 show you what's up hopefully you'll make
12:08 your own conclusion thank you