Examining Truebones Claims against Adobe Mixamo
This discusses the Mixamo controversy. For the list of stolen assets, see Truebones Mixamo List of Stolen Models |
For the store listing, see: Free Characters from Mixamo. |
Facts for Mixamo stealing Truebones
1 Truebones claims Adobe stole his content, the dance moves, (stolen from CMU).
2 Truebones claims their EULA as vague.
Facts against Truebones
1 Truebones sells the whole Mixamo Collection of 100+ models and Fuse Models.
2 Truebones has no Mocap Studio
3 You will see a person dance around using one Kinect camera… inside a small one-room converted garage, claiming to capture 'Mocap'…
4 Truebones claims that Adobe stole Truebones… so… why are Adobe Mixamo’s motions not glitched when they are downloaded from Adobe Mixamo?
5 This site has an animation review, show horrible glitching, wrong bone positions. Why is it that those glitches are not in Mixamo motions?
The following are redistributed by Truebones. They contain filenames with names such as 'J Laygo, E-Espiritu, M-Aure, J-Gonzales' -
Acina_by_J._Laygo.iAvatar Akai_E_Espiritu.iAvatar Boxer_01d_ascii.iAvatar Dreyar_by_M._Aure.iAvatar Ely_by_K._Atienza.iAvatar Eve_by_J._Gonzales.iAvatar Ganfaul_M_Aure.iAvatar Girlscout_T_Masuyama.iAvatar Goblin_D_Shareyko.iAvatar Golden_Retriever.iAvatar Heraklios_by_A._Dizon.iAvatar Kachujin_G_Rosales.iAvatar Knight_D_Pelegrini.iAvatar Lola_B_Styperek.iAvatar Maria_J_J_Ong.iAvatar Maria_w_Prop_J_J_Ong.iAvatar Maw_J_Laygo.iAvatar Medea_by_M._Arrebola.iAvatar Mremireh_O_Desbiens.iAvatar Nightshade_J_Friedrich.iAvatar Paladin_J_Nordstrom.iAvatar Paladin_w_Prop_J_Nordstrom.iAvatar Parasite_L_Starkie.iAvatar Passive_Marker_Man.iAvatar Pilar_by_D._Pilarczyk.iAvatar Prisoner_B_Styperek.iAvatar Rockstarzombie_M_Alvarez.iAvatar Skeletonzombie_T_Avelange.iAvatar Space_Pirate_by_T._Wiezorrek.iAvatar Survivor_A_Lusth.iAvatar Vampire_A_Lusth.iAvatar Vanguard_by_S._di_Grazia.iAvatar Vanguard_by_S._di_Grazia2.iAvatar Vanguard_by_T._Choonyung.iAvatar Void_Pirate_by_J._Nordstrom.iAvatar Warrok_W_Kurniawan.iAvatar Whiteclown_N_Hallin.iAvatar Zombiegirl_W_Kurniawan.iAvatar
After you see the various animation errors, why is it that, those animations that Truebones claim to stole 'Truebones' don’t have bad glitches in their animation?
How to get Mixamo for free (for iClone)
1 Go to https://www.mixamo.com/.
2 Register for an account or sign-in.
3 It’s currently a beta so all content is free.
4 If you are using iClone, use the 3D Exchange to import Mixamo into iClone, FREE.