
You might be coming there from search engine from Truebones claiming the race-card.

Here is a song from SoundCloud. How many times can you hear the word "Nigger?"

Here is what I heard:

I heard Joe’s SoundClound track state the word Nigger 16 times in 5 minutes:


0:07 - Nigger

0:27 - Nigger

0:53 - Nigger

1:02 - Nigger

1:23 - Nigger

1:49 - Nigger

2:21 - Nigger

2:28 - silently say Nigger

3:08 - Nigger

3:30 - Nigger

3:51 - Nigger

4:04 - Nigger

4:31 - Nigger, Nigger, Nigger, Nigger.

The original track was removed:


Original Post

Truebones, now banned facebook account, posted the image Nigger:


Note: the image is repaired.